And here’s to all our international friends: Learn some German tongue twisters, proverbs, or sayings etc. and how to pronounce them!
There might be a contest some time who can do it best 😉
Until then, keep practicing!
No. 1: “Stoffel stolpert über einen Stein.”
Who can say it?? (No cheating; only those who don’t know German, please 😉 )
My free translation: “Stupid stumbles over a stone.” It was acute last weekend when first I and then my son fell over a rock on our way to feed the sheep in the animal park.
We actually have “Stolpersteine” in Germany, which are stones inserted into the pavement as a reminder of Jewish people (and other victims) who once lived there and were deported or killed by the Nazis. My husband was Jewish, and his grandparents’ families fell victims to the Nazis in Lithuania and Russia back then. I think it’s a good idea to have created this memorial. I’ve seen a few of them in Düsseldorf.