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… to Go to Judo Class?

boy at judo class

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What’s it like to go to judo class? It was Lyons Cub’s second day at the judo course, because the tryout was free and just to see whether he liked it. He did!! Although it took us quite a while to drive there and was a bit exhausting for him after a full day at kindergarten, he enjoyed it a lot and even invited one of his friends to attend and become his partner. He wants to go all the way to get the black belt 🙂

The first time, he tried out in his normal street clothes, but from then on, he’s been wearing a white judo suit with a white belt, and he is very proud of it. Below, you can see him make some moves (that resemble karate more than judo) in the changing room:

Alas, the other kids were older (6-15 years) and taller, but he is learning quickly and managed to get a couple of 8-year-old girls to fall by knocking their legs from under them, as they were instructed to do. The first exercise was to get from one side of the hall to the other doing forward rolls in the air and on the mat. He did get a few bruises, but he learned how to fall without hurting himself. All in all, he’ll learn important life lessons, from listening, respect, discipline, patience until it’s his turn, to self-defense and a healthy body image.

Of course, as a mommy you’ll always worry a bit your kiddo might get hurt, but that could equally happen in school or on the playground. For me, it’s more important that he has pals he can share a hobby with and gets to practice team spirit.

The parents, in the meantime, can sit in an adjacent coffee kitchen and watch their children through glass windows.

Before the lesson, we prepared his feet for getting bruises by putting Band-Aids on. He still got a little scratch from hitting the mat when the kid he was partnered up with knocked him over, but that doesn’t divert him from having fun and giving it his best. One day, he won’t be the smallest kid there anymore.

Well, I’m curious how long he will stay with this. Lyons Cub already mentioned he would like to play soccer, too…

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