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Sonic the Hedgehog Costume for Halloween

boy in Sonic the Hedgehog costume

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It’s the first of October today. Have you carved a pumpkin yet with your kiddo? We bought an already painted one with a cute face so far, but we haven’t started carving yet.

What’s your kid gonna be for Halloween this year?

In 2018, Lyons Cub was a little green dragon (and mommy was Yoshi):

In 2019, Lyons Cub was sick at Halloween, so we did not go trick and treating.

In 2020, he was Gecko Boy from PJ Masks (and mommy was a green-haired witch).

In 2021, he was a doctor and a policeman (he also wore the latter disguise for carnival in February):

And this year, he wanted to be Sonic the Hedgehog!

I think it’s a lovely costume. It’s very light and thin, so definitely not something to walk around outside on a cold night for trick and treating, but kids don’t do that in Germany, anyway (right now, he’s just wearing underwear underneath, but he could wear warmer clothes for venturing outside). One doesn’t sweat in it, which is important. It’s great for indoor role play. The little white gloves are cute (and will most likely get dirty soon). It was fairly cheap (EUR36 here, and only USD29 in the U.S.)! The velcro under the chin is a bit tight, but my son didn’t mind. At least, the headgear sat properly and didn’t move around or fall off.

Lyons Cub tried it on already and is looking forward to wear it on Halloween.

And here, you can see the Sonic costume in action:

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