Oh no! We’ve read in the press that from May on, the Tonieboxes and Tonies will get more expensive! I can totally understand that added material and production and transport costs will cause a little price hike, but 20 bucks more for a Toniebox is quite a bit, and it’s not cheap as it is for parents on a budget…. The costs of Tonie figurines will rise from EUR 15 to 17, which is not too bad. Still, it might be time to acquire a few more Tonies in advance for the holidays to come. I see it as an investment in the future, especially since my son uses Tonies to fall asleep at night, so they don’t just sit around but get quite the workout.
Lyons Cub received his Toniebox including a few figurines that read fairy tales, stories, or sing bedtime songs or children’s songs for Christmas, including a beautiful excavator Tonie shelf from an Etsy artist. If you’re interested in how to set up your Toniebox, check out the process in one of my earlier posts. For his birthday, Lyons Cub got some more figurines of his favorite stories (and some new ones):

He now has the blue elephant from Die Sendung mit der Maus (The Show with the Mouse), The Beauty and the Beast, The Happy Lion, Story Songs, Lullabies, The Gruffalo’s Child, and The Jungle Book. Today, he picked out some more that he would like to get in the future. Since he is four years old now, he can follow longer stories and has more of an attention span. Before that, he only listened to a few stories or songs on a single Tonie. This toy definitely grows with the children. If you don’t have a Toniebox yet, maybe do some research and see if this would be a great alternative to other audio toys for your kids. The beautifully painted figurines are also great for collectors. There are also Tonies for teenagers, so in our household, they will accompany us for a long time… If you are looking for something to reduce screen time and enhance audio comprehension and imagination during down time or as sleep aid, Tonies might be the way to go 😉
Yes, It’s a great chance to grab one before the price hike. Thanks for the info!