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Have you jumped on the band wagon yet and gotten matching pajamas for yourself and your kiddos?
I have to admit I’m following this cute trend now, too… In addition to dino pants and dino sweaters, Lyons Cub and mommy have matching dino PJ’s now 😉 He got them a couple days after his trip to a dinosaur museum and was overjoyed. In 2018, when he was a not even a year old yet, we had matching narwhal PJ’s from Hanna Andersson; this time, we went a little cheaper, but I like them just as much. The pants have kind of a Swedish pattern, with stars or snowflakes and elks. I didn’t want anything red or striped, so it wouldn’t be too cliché; the dark green seemed just right and still festive enough for the season.

If he sat still for a second, our selfies wouldn’t be so shaken, but no such luck… I was never that excited about my PJ’s as a kid!
Here’s a throwback to our narwhal period:
We would love to spy on your matching outfits 😉