Lyons Cub wanted to cut hair today–no, not his or mine, thankfully, but that of a little plastic doll that grandma lion found in an old box of her bigger grandkids’ stored play things. She brought a bag of playdough and utensils for play time yesterday, and my son excitedly stuffed the little dolly with pink playdough. Then, he pushed his thumb through it, and her hair started growing and growing 😉 The highlight was to cut the hair with playdough scissors.
Of course, you can get a more sophisticated play set than a single doll, for example one where the child turns a lever and doesn’t need his/her thumb to push the “hair” through the “follicles.” What fun for the kids! The only annoying thing for mommy to do when the game is over is to pick up all the “hair” that loves to stick itself under socks, shoes, carpets…. 😉