Also feel like you’re already consuming too many pre-Christmas treats and chocolates? We certainly are!! So it’s off to the park and onto the exercisers for us. Strictly speaking, this parcours was created for seniors (at least, that’s what a senior told me when my son started climbing, rotating, stepping on, and hanging from them), but they are fun for the whole family. I remember when I was a kid and we used to hike through the forest with our family, there were wooden beams, ropes, and steel bars to do exercises on, but nowadays–at least in that park–they have awesome, modern machines. It felt like being on a Peloton, without having to pay for it 😉
Who has not gained a little weight during the pandemic? By going to the park and chasing around a three-year-old, I hope to lose a few extra pounds…
My son is very sportive. He has no sense of danger and a great feel for what his body can do. Recently, he has learned to get down from things he got up on (without mommy needing to help), so that’s a big achievement. Look at him training on the exercisers… he’s doing a better job than the adults!
This one is my favorite:
He had no clue what to do on some of the machines, but it was fun to watch him massage his legs or try to rotate his arms (the disks were located way too high for him). He watched the “seniors” do their thing and imitated them. Oma did a pretty good job, too!
There’s a second part attached to this parcours where you can hang from bars and do something for your shoulders and stomach muscles. They were a bit high for Lyons Cub, but he was thrilled when mommy lifted him up. I don’t think he did all the exercises the way they were supposed to be done 😉
Anyway, he got the most out of it. We also saw beautiful fall flowers, Siberian geese, and lots of ducks. What a great day!
And of course, every time we are there, Lyons Cub has to climb on these animals:

He looks like a pro! Great bonding activity too!
Great idea. Also love the photo pics.