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Product Review: X Shot Water Gun

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Summer is here, and kiddo is sweating… Do you have a water pistol or water gun yet? Beat the heat; the wetter, the better! For a long time, Lyoness has been against introducing any kinds of toy weapons to Lyons Cub, but what can one do when the older kids of family and friends sprinkle each other with water pistols in the pool and the little boy needs to beg to be allowed to hold one — well, now he has one!

Alas, he picked the biggest one on the display shelf (how foolish of me to think I’d get away with a tiny revolver). He picked an X Shot Hydro Hurricane. This pump action water blaster has four spray settings to choose from. And that thing holds 1,500 ml (53 fl. oz.) of water and is so heavy he can’t do much damage with it, because he needs to set it down all the time. In fact, at first, he put it vertically on the ground and shot his own face 😉

After that, he faithfully watered all grandma’s plants on the balcony, and even the people below. Also, he noticed that the sand cakes bake better when they are a little wet. We took his water gun to the playground, and luckily, no other, defenseless children were present… It has an astonishing range!

You have to be careful your kiddo isn’t aiming at the neighbors over the fence, because it’s possible to reach them while they’re tanning on their lawn chairs. In fact, you can blast water from up to 30 feet (9 meters). If you have a little kiddo who cannot carry that much weight, I’d recommend the smaller version, as seen below.

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