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Product Review: DreamWorks Dragons with Light, Sound, and Projectiles

Everything that shoots is of high interest to Lyons Cub all of a sudden – his PJ Masks robot, his water pistols, and his older cousin’s beautiful, expensive DreamWorks Dragons. He treats them with great care (and they are watching jealously and protectively over them). Do you have a child aged 4 or older who loves dragons? These dragons would make a great birthday present, as they are valuable and will certainly be loved and played with for many years.

There are older and newer versions. Lyons Cub plays with the DreamWorks Toothless that shoots round pellets in the video below. There’s also one that shoots more club-like projectiles, and one that creates “dragon breath,” as well as one from Playmobil (if your kiddo is a fan of Playmobil, you might as well stay with that). Check what’s out there, compare functionalities and prices. I love the DreamWorks Dragons more than the Playmobil ones; their looks are like in the movie, and their lights, sounds, and missiles are awesome. Use them under parental supervision, so little kiddo doesn’t shoot big brother in the eye or something! We played in the living-room, and sometimes, we had to search for a projectile under the furniture. Some dragons come with their riders’ action figures in full armor, too.

My son had a Toothless plush dragon (to be used as pillow) when he was 1-2, so he was already used to the character and now loves the more playable plastic upgrade. The wings are foldable, and you pull Toothless’ back leg to release the ammunition. Toothless’ and Storm Arrow’s dimensions are 4 x 11.5 x 8.25 inches.

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