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Product Review: Short Sleeve Toddler Swimsuit

Cuteness overload! This little sea creatures swimsuit was a great summer addition for our staycation in the yard. It prevented Lyons Cub’s shoulders from catching a sunburn, and it was elastic enough so he could run around in them over his gopher sprinkler mat to jump into his orange fish pool, wear them in the turtle sandbox, look great in them while riding his blue buggy, and be handsome when playing with the neighborhood girls in his toy house. If you’re looking for a swimsuit that doesn’t cover the whole arm’s length, give this one a try. It has a smooth zipper that doesn’t irritate the skin and makes putting the swimsuit on and taking it off easy (for example for a quick diaper change, if your kiddo wears them underneath; mine didn’t). This brand has a few different designs, so you can also go for sharks or dinos 😉 In addition, you can get it with long sleeves, too, if you want more UV protection.

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