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Which child doesn’t love to be a pirate from time to time? Any child will like this climbing tower in the shape of a pirate ship, with molded anchor and parrot (you can add your own plush parrot as a prop, and if you have, a treasure chest full of gold, argh!). It has a nice orange sail, a movable red wheel, and a blue pirate flag on top. It never toppled with just one child; however, if it’s to be used by many siblings or in a daycare center, I would anchor it in the ground outside. We had it both inside and outdoors. Smaller babies can crawl inside, and bigger tots can climb up onto the deck. We always used it under parental supervision, just in case of a fall or knock-over.
It withstood the weather really well and didn’t crack or discolor. It says it’s meant for children 2-6, but we let a 13-year-old climb it, and all was fine. Even Lyoness was able to stand on the top to test its strength! It’s light enough to move around for mowing, and it’s super easy to assemble by just one mommy (everything snaps together, no tools needed at all). We assembled it from a photo, without even reading the instruction manual. So for all those other technically challenged mommies out there, here’s something easy to build that will provide years of joy!