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Winter will come; even we in Tennessee get our usual two days of snow per year 😉 Most of the time, we went sledding on leaves, but as long as it was fun for Lyons Cub, Lyoness was willing to pull hard… Faster, mommy, faster!!! This little blue plastic sled fulfills its purpose; of course, I would have loved an old-fashioned wooden sleigh, but they are expensive and cumbersome to carry around, whereas this little thingy barely weighs anything and is easy to store away and carry. And that’s important, given that you already have to carry your baby!
There is a little back rest for support, and the sides are high enough so baby won’t fall out. There also is a belt to buckle up the little one; my favorite feature. It can carry up to 45 lbs. We didn’t have any high hills to go down, just horizontal lawn, so I can’t say anything about speed downhill. It was fast and roomy enough for an almost one-year-old child. The towrope was nice long, so it was easy to pull. If you’re on a tight budget and don’t have much storage space, this is an excellent first sleigh for baby. We used this sled for three winters.
And just for fun, here is our North Pole expedition through the leaves, which worked just as well: